Partner Highlights: Champ x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: Champ x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: Champ x WeFitter

In this volume, we present our partner from the Netherlands, Champ, and their journey to and with WeFitter. We are discussing their company, the market, giving information about their platform and solution, lastly giving insights from the interview we had with their Co-Founder & MD, Michiel. 

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By Alexandra Codreanu & Zino Doornbos

''When working in the field of health tech, it's important to work with trustworthy partners who understand what you are doing. The connection with WeFitter has both these aspects and hence works!''

This August, we contacted our partner Champ to discover more about their industry and platform integration. We sat down digitally together with Michiel Huisman (Co-Founder, MD) and Jordy Wichgers (Head of Product) to learn more about what Champ does, how their industry is doing and what we can learn from their integration of the WeFitter API.

When talking about the industry Champ operates in, Michiel tells us that a new shift is happening. ''We operate a lot in corporate environments and since Covid-19 many organisations have a more hybrid approach to working, where employeees work both from the office and from home. This means that employers need to put in more effort to stay in close contact with their employees.''

''This is where Champ comes in, we offer a digital well-being solution where people can get active by booking sports classes and join their community in fun challenges related to walking, running, cycling and more. As people continue to work remote, it's even more important for companies to have additional contact points to establish engagement and connection. This should be a core responsibility for any professional in Human Resources.''

We asked the Champ team how fitness solutions can be best used in order to reach the desired effect companies want. ''You cannot create a one-size-fits-all solution. In order for this kind of solution to work, you need a many-to-many offering. Catering to all different types of people and demand. At the moment, many solution that are available are not diversified enough. People are not alike and if you look at the shortage of staff in many companies, which is an issue that need to be addressed, fitness solutions need to have options for everybody.'', says Michiel.

Looking at the long collaboration between WeFitter and Champ, we could not help but wonder: what is the impact of using WeFitter? The Champ team mentions that connecting a wearable, might not be the first step in their app onboarding process. However, when the connection is made, it's a powerful lever to facilitate continuous usage of the app's features; a key element to keeping end-users engaged and fit!


Champ creates the fitness community and environment to tackle the problem of 'fitness unawareness'. In Human Resources especially, it is important to recognize the elements that make the difference in productivity and employee happiness. In today's day and age, ensuring that employees are fit is the greatest asset an organisation can have.


''There is a champ in every body!''
Champ's platform enables on-demand fitness for end-users. Using the Champ app, end-users not only have the option to find gyms&sports location, but also join fun challenges, participate in events and get rewarded for all their activities. In a Human Resources context, it is important to know how to motivate your employees to lead an active life.


Champ achieved easy access to wearable connections and they saved time and money by integrating the WeFitter API. Working with WeFitter has allowed Champ to save time on developing connection integration solutions and focus on their interactive product features. ''There is only so much you can do with limited time! Everything can be built, but you need resources, and human capacity to continue to improve and make things better over time.''

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