Partner Highlights: HealthBlocks x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: HealthBlocks x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: HealthBlocks x WeFitter

In this volume, we are presenting our partner from the Netherlands, HealthBlocks, and their journey to and with WeFitter. We are discussing their company, the market, giving some information about their platform and solution, lastly giving some insights from the interview we had with their Co-Founder &Ceo, Rosanne.

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By Alexandra Codreanu & Zino Doornbos

''WeFitter is a vital part to the HealthBlocks app, offering wearable connections. It offers the users the possibility to unlock the value of their own health data!''

This June we had contact with our partner Healthblocks. Through Rosanne (Co-Founder & CEO), we found out more about the integration of HealthBlocks with the WeFitter API. Learn more about our success story below!

Rosanne on how HealthBlocks came in contact with WeFitter: ''We had previous contacts with WeFitter in another way. When we started working on the HealthBlocks Beta App, we wanted easy health data integration and decided to partner up with WeFitter.''

WeFitter offers some important features that are used by HealthBlocks: ''We can't see the data ourselves, but the users have a private key to their data, saved off-chain. This is important to us because we want to show the value of health data to our users, and let them understand that they shouldn't hand off their health data without thinking.'' says Rosanne.

At the moment the HealthBlocks Beta App offers the Garmin, FitBit & Google Fit connections, with Apple Health coming soon. HealthBlocks plans to extend their offering of wearable connections in the future.

''Our development team had contact with the WeFitter development team to solve some minor issues. When another issue arises WeFitter is quick to act on it in a smooth way.'' Says Rosanne about her relationship with the WeFitter team.


Active in the Web3 health & wellness market, HealthBlocks offers a unique solution to engage users in a healthy lifestly. Healthblocks identifies itself as a live-to-earn platform, different than the well known move-to-earn crypto platforms. HealthBlocks believes that health is more than solely movement, adding heart rates, stress levels, sleep data and questionnaires to the app. The platform serves as a connnection between brands, individuals, nft-creators and all people that want to support activation towards healthy behavior.


HealthBlocks is a Web3 health platform that tries to create engagement towards a healthier lifestyle by rewarding the user. Cryptocurrency tokens are earned through activity pools and data pools. The goal of HealthBlocks is to show people the value of their personal health data, and to give back that value to the individual with tokens. By offering a preventive health solution with a good data profile where one can be owner of their own health data, and possibly make health based predictions, it offers another unique feature.


Healthblocks achieved easy wearable connections integration as well as secured data for their end-user. A quote from Rosanne: ''HealthBlocks was looking for wearable data integration when WeFitter came up. We integrated Google Fit ourselves but found that WeFitter is an effective solution to have all-in-one wearable connections in an API. The connections are a vital part to our app, to measure the activity levels of the users of the app.''


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