Partner Highlights: MyVitale x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: MyVitale x WeFitter

Partner Highlights: MyVitale x WeFitter

WeFitter is proud of the partnerships it creates in the health, fitness and tech space. For this, we launched "Partner Highlights"!


In this volume, we are presenting our partner from Spain, MyVitale, and their journey to and with WeFitter. We are discussing their company, the market, giving some information about their platform and solution, lastly giving some insights from the interview we had with their Marketing Manager, Sandra.


Prefer to read from a PDF? Click here for Partner Highlights: Volume 2!



By Alexandra Codreanu & Zino Doornbos

''WeFitter has significantly supported our business by implementation of gamification: the quality of the customer experience has significantly improved and we have been able to better track and achieve strategic business goals.''

In March this year we had contact with one of our partners, MyVitale. Through Sandra (Marketing Manager), we found out more about the integration of MyVitale with the WeFitter API. Learn more about our success story below!

''Our company found WeFitter through ''4YFN- Connecting StartUps'' an event aimed at supporting startup investors and companies to connect and launch business ventures together'', Sandra mentions when asked about how the first contact was made.

Since then, WeFitter has supported the platform in their quest to offer a product which implements fitness and technology to improve their customers' health. Owing to the WeFitter API, MyVitale is able to connect fitness apps and wearables - ''As they integrate gamification elements we increase customer engagement while performing fitness activities. Additionally, we are able to track customers progress and obtain excellent insights.''

Sandra continues telling us about the benefits the API has brought to the MyVitale platform: ''It has been an excellent tool for motivation for our end-users. The ease of use and easy integration has been one of the most important aspects of WeFitter implementation to our platform. We find very useful their help in retrieving, analyzing and leveraging the data generated.''


Spanish gyms have seen a 21% income decrease compared to the first quarter of 2020, before the pandemic started. 
The MAS market report shows a 37,5% drop in 2021 following new consumer sports habits after the COVID-pandemic such as more outdoor activites and online activites which do not necessarily need to be practiced in the gym. Of important concern as well is the fact that the sector has been negatively affected by the increase in their energetic expenditure. 


The intelligence and customization of physical activity and nutrition programs for each user - the most important ingredient in the MyVitale recipe!
The MyVitale platform has two components: fitness and health, blended together to achieve a better future for end-users. MyVitale can better support fitness training and wearable connections, to provide a unique experience for end-users that want to become fitter and healthier, through the WeFitter integration.


Knowledge about customers motivation to use MyVitale, customer retention and brand awareness are some of the results MyVitale achieved after the WeFitter integration.
''We have developed a great partnership with WeFitter based on professionalism and dedication towards the same goal; a better digital health and wellness contribution to society. Their expertise in the industry made it very easy for us to incorporate effective solutions for our customers.''

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