New connection: Android SDK

New connection: Android SDK

We have taken a step forward... and also added a connection to measure it!

About the Android SDK

In a world where the wearable market is continuously emerging, it is important to recognize the active individuals also outside of the smart device reach. For this, the SDK connection was incorporated to our data model. The connection collects the data from the Android phone pedometer functionality, translating the steps collected into activity for WeFitter users. And if it could not be any better, it comes with higher update frequencies (every 15 minutes).

Making use of the data

A simple but activity-focused connection: this is how we view the new feature. But how can you use the data collected? An answer as simple, and as focused. When wanting to engage your users in continuous activity that happens with or without a wearable device, the SDK comes in handy. Your end users can enjoy the simplicity of step data synced in challenges based on walking or gain points for steps acquired, while you have the benefit of an easy SDK integration! 

How to implement

For API clients, the SDK is available upon request. Please make your request via and let's get you moving - step by step! 



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