The Ultimate Guide to Exercising With Your Wearable

The Ultimate Guide to Exercising With Your Wearable

The Ultimate Guide to Exercising With Your Wearable


The new measurement availabilities created by wearable devices has led to an increase in daily activity, fitness levels and overall well-being.

The pandemic created a boom in fitness activity through both activity at home and the number of fitness hardware and services in houses. For the average person who used to exercise one to two times per week, physical exercise has risen 88%.
‘’The benchmark daily goal of steps taken is 10,000 however, that is estimated on a proper balance of caloric intake and activity-based calorie expenditure. It seems that 15,000 daily steps is a more beneficial target to aim for.’’ (Douglas-Walton, 2022)


Advantages of Activity Tracking

Fitness trackers have different features, but the advantages are common amongst the different types of wearable devices. From the numerous advantages, the following are the most relevant and important advantages of using a fitness tracker: (Schwinke, 2019)

  1. Set goals – Setting goals for yourself to accomplish each day. For example, 15,000 steps a day. It is a great feeling to know you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Setting targets is a great way to ensure consistent exercise.
  2. Accountability – Fitness trackers help you exercise every day whether just walking, more committed to get your steps in or complete your workout sessions.
  3. Motivation – Fitness trackers give a visual of your progress is good motivation to improve more and more each day.
  4. Monitoring heart rate – Most fitness trackers have the ability to monitor heart rates by measuring your pulse. This allows you to reach your target heart rate with each workout. The maximum heart rate is roughly 220 minus your age. During moderate physical activities, your target heart rate should be around 50-70% of that maximum heart rate, while vigorous workouts should see it reach around 70-85%. All of these changes are measurable by the fitness tracker.


For fitness trackers to be useful, they require the user to exercise. While most people know and associate exercise with weight loss, there are other benefits too which can be found below: (Mayo Clinic, 2021)

  1. Exercise controls weight – It can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. Engaging in physical activity burns calories.
  2. Exercise improves mood – Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.
  3. Exercise boosts energy – Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. When your heart and lung’s health improve, you have more energy to go about your day.

Two common problems in fitness exercise are people not knowing what kind of exercises are good for you, and being afraid to take the first step by joining and a gym and working out amongst other, more experienced people. 

The WeFitter Solution

WeFitter is the ultimate solution for boosted engagement among end-users. We combine activity tracking through wearable devices with gamification. Gamification is offered through different types of challenges.

Wearable connections are offered in one easy-to-use API. Connected users can track their progress in challenges, creating competition that will boost platform engagement and increase fitness levels as a result.

Read more about the wearable connnections API here.

Read more about the gamification API here.

Want to see how we can help each other? Schedule a call here.



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